Aquarian Society Publishing

How to choose your next vacation

If regimented days at sea filled with bingo competitions and poolside activities deter you from cruising, our advice would be to look for vacation cruise lines that have plenty of compelling itineraries to...

Are rock concerts really coming back into fashion?

Monotonectally pursue backward-compatible ideas without empowered imperatives. Interactively predominate low-risk high-yield ROI rather than adaptive e-tailers. Progressively morph standardized value vis-a-vis...

Joy In The Age Of Aquarius

Crossover Book A simple black woman who fosters three little girls sees their lives unfold and this is the basis for her story. The story opens with the tragic death of one of them, a famous black singer, Joy...

Soundcloud embed example

Hoodie Blagmon High Life yr, leggings ethical next level bitters authentic gluten-free Bushwick Marfa trust fund. Slow-carb 8-bit Helvetica artisan ugh meggings. Seitan mustache Portland, narwhal XOXO blog...

How to survive the Sahara

Staying true to the commitment to travel more to see this beautiful world we share together is daunting when I think about visiting the desert of the Sahara. 

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